Sunday 17 December 2017

Happy New Year! Will You Allow It to Be?

Happy New Year 2018

We are going to hear and say 'Happy New Year' so often at this time involving year - but rarely do we think about what it really means to you, and the people to whom we say it.

We are all unique people with our own unique needs and desires; and most of us are united in our pursuit of the same thing - to feel happy. We are all striving for this state connected with 'happiness'; and yet many people are looking in the wrong place for it : and settling for a temporary mood-enhancer in the form of alcohol, drugs, a brand new relationship, or new possessions.

Magazines are now full of 'New Year New You' advice from so-called experts - most of that is just plain common sense! No one else is the expert on you! Only you understand - or are trying to pin-down - what brings you personal joy. One person's happiness is another person's burden.

If you now consider what actually brings people happiness it might range from finding shelter and also food; to having a make-over/fake-tan/fake-nails etc ., buying new 'toys/gadgets', through to showing love, care and compassion to others. Because broad a spectrum as is seen in general society.

Happiness for you personally will depend upon your own level of personal and spiritual awareness, as well as your ability to create happiness as a state of mind which you can return to at will rapid despite life's relentless disappointments and challenges.

It is not enough in order to simply 'think' or 'imagine' yourself as being happy - weight loss fool yourself that easily!

What most of us don't realise is the fact that we have two mind-sets about everything in our life, and these two thoughts can be at odds with one another. This conflict can include the levels with happiness we are 'allowed' to experience.

Our conscious/rational/observing mind can wish and seek greater happiness; but if our sub-conscious mind does not believe that we deserve it, or that we would benefit from that - then it just isn't going to come our way. Our own outer lives are only ever a reflection of our inner and much deeper sub-conscious belief system. Self-help books and talking therapies usually do not access or change these deeper 'Script' beliefs.

Being about happy, optimistic, warm and friendly people positively affects united states too - as does the opposite. This is known as 'Emotional Contagion' - and it is worth reflecting upon what 'mood' or 'energy' we ourselves give out that in turn affects those around individuals.

We have neurons in our brains called Mirror Neurons which can produce in us the emotion that we are witnessing outside of you and me. For instance if we see someone stub their toe or snare their finger, we are instinctively programmed to feel something similar. This specific connection goes beyond mere 'empathy', or of recalling personal remembrances of similar things having happened to us in the past. We have been significantly affected by being around happy events and happy individuals, whose emotions we then 'mirror' in ourselves.

Don't nevertheless be fooled by a 'happy mask' that someone may be using; which will be a false-self they present to the world as an attempt to conceal their real feelings and needs. This may well have been set up in child years when it was encouraged and expected that they 'put-on-a-happy face' for your family's sake; and to stuff down their real feelings for example anger, resentment, disappointment, fear, sadness and despair - that was real, but 'unacceptable' by the family/care-giver.

Many people are so accustomed to donning a mask that they cannot imagine a life without the idea, or how to take it off! Their eyes will usually give the game aside as to their underlying feelings, as will an unguarded second and comment, if another person is sensitive enough to notice these types of 'slips'.

We all have a 'base-line' level of happiness at any given phase in our lives - which is formed from our past encounters and the meaning we gave to them; and of course the effects these have experienced upon our sub-conscious mind and the 'programme' we are running.

This kind of base-line represents only 40% of the full amount of happiness we are effective at experiencing at the present time. A further 10% can come from the external 'lucky' occasions such as the lottery win; or a big new purchase; or through cosmetic surgery etc . These 'highs' are unfortunately only temporary and we quickly return to our base level once again.

The very good news though could be that the remaining 40% of happiness available to you - is derived from YOU! This really is scientifically validated and forms a central aspect of Positive Mindset.

There are 12 ways of facilitating more happiness by your own activities and thoughts, and by the releasing your own blockages. Some of these methods include learning how to develop a more optimistic and focussed approach to life; to keep your healthy mind and spirit, and allowing gratitude along with forgiveness into your life. These sound simple but in fact are serious and life-changing. Improving your overall, and sustained, happiness positively results every cell in your body and consequently your genetic expression (Epi-genetics); and for that reason your lifespan.

Deeper and sustained Happiness equates to a peace of the mind... observing what is, and not forcing change... reflecting, giving up and allowing; instead of worrying, over-thinking and mind-chatter. To see the enjoyment in every tiny moment instead of only focussing ahead of the present period; or dwelling in the unchangeable past. The only time you really have are these claims moment and the next breath. Make the most of these whilst you still have all of them.

So maybe instead of the customary and thoughtless 'Happy New Year' to one and all - it would be more relevant to say 'May You discover and Sustain Your Own Happiness'... ah but that's too much of the mouthful... it'll probably never catch on!: -)

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